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The definitive study on the relationship between risk of accident and blood alcohol concentration is that conducted in the 1960s in Grand Rapids buy cheap cialis professional 40 mg on line erectile dysfunction treatment options, Mich buy 20 mg cialis professional with mastercard erectile dysfunction pills wiki. Compari- son of the two groups disclosed that an accident was statistically more likely at blood alcohol levels greater than 80 mg/100 mL of blood proven 40 mg cialis professional erectile dysfunction age 70, with accidents occurring more frequently as follows: Blood alcohol (mg/100 mL) Accident occurrence 50–100 1. On average, the risk doubles at 80 mg/ 100 mL, increasing sharply to a 10 times risk multiplier at 150 mg/100 mL and a 20 times risk multiplier at 200 mg/100 mL of blood. For inexperienced and infrequent drinkers, the sharp increase occurs at much lower levels, whereas for the more experienced drinking driver it may not occur until 100 mg/100 mL (Fig. Therefore, this research has encouraged some countries to have a lower blood alcohol level for legal driving; in Australia, Canada, and some states of the United States, different levels and rules are applied for younger and/ or inexperienced drivers (see Subheading 3. Further evidence of the rela- tionship between crash risk and blood alcohol levels has been shown by Compton and colleagues (21), who studied drivers in California and Florida. This recent research studying a total of 14,985 drivers was in agreement with previous studies in showing increasing relative risk as blood alcohol levels increase, with an accelerated rise at levels in excess of 100 mg/100 mL of blood. However, after adjustments for missing data (hit-and-run driv- ers, refusals, etc. Risk of road traffic accidents related to level of alcohol in the blood and breath. Road Traffic Legislation In the United Kingdom, this research led to the introduction of the Road Safety Act 1967, which set a legal driving limit of 80 mg/100 mL of blood (or 35 μg/100 mL of breath or 107 mg/100 mL of urine). This law also allows mandatory roadside screening tests and requires the provision of blood or urine tests at police stations. The Transport Act 1981 provided that quantitative breath tests, performed with approved devices, could be used as the sole evidence of drunk driving. In the United States, permissible blood levels vary from state to state and also by age. Many states have enacted “zero tolerance” laws, and the detection 358 Wall and Karch of any alcohol in an individual younger than 21 years old is grounds for license revocation. Some states permit levels as high as 100 mg/100 mL, but most enforce the same limit as in the United Kingdom, and legislation to reduce the 80 mg/100 mL level further is under consideration. Equivalent Limits in Other Body Fluids Statutes have been used to establish blood alcohol concentration equiva- lents in other tissues and breath. Not infrequently, alcohol concentrations will be measured in accident victims taken for treatment at trauma centers. How- ever, there are two important differences between alcohol measurements made in hospitals and those made in forensic laboratories; first, in hospitals, stan- dard international units are the norm, the mole is the unit of mass, the liter is the unit of volume, and alcohol concentrations are reported in mmol/L. In forensic laboratories, results are expressed as gram/deciliter or liter, or even milligrams per milliliter, and measurements are made in whole blood, not serum or plasma. There is another, even more important, difference between serum/plasma and whole blood. Because alcohol has a large volume of distribution, this difference in water content means that alcohol concentrations measured in serum/plasma will be higher than concentrations measured in whole blood by approx 14%. In practice, if plasma alcohol concentrations are to be intro- duced as evidence, they should be related back to whole blood concentrations using an even higher ratio (1. As mentioned, if whole blood is tested, drivers are not usually prosecuted at blood levels below 87 mg/100 mL of blood (17). The instruments used are cali- brated to estimate the concentrations of alcohol in whole blood, not plasma or serum. To estimate the serum or plasma alcohol concentration from breath measurements, a plasma/breath ratio of 2600:1 must be used (because, as explained, whole blood contains 14% less alcohol). In Europe, but not neces- sarily in the United States, two specimens of breath are taken for analysis, and the specimen with the lower proportion of alcohol should be used as evidence. Bladder urine, because it contains alcohol (or other drugs) that may have accumulated over a long period, is generally not considered a suitable speci- men for forensic testing, especially because the presence of alcohol in the Traffic Medicine 359 Table 1 Prescribed Blood Alcohol Levels in Various Jurisdictions Australia 50 France 50 Poland 20 Austria 80 Germany 80 Romania 0 Belgium 80 Greece 50 Russia 0 Bulgaria 0 Hungary 0 Sweden 20 Canada 80 Italy 80 Spain 80 Czechoslovakia 80 Luxembourg 80 Turkey 0 Denmark 80 Netherlands 50 United States 100a Ireland 80 Norway 50 Yugoslavia 50 Finland 50 aSome states in the United States have reduced the legal level to 80 mg/100 mL of blood. Alcohol concentrations in bladder urine cannot be used to infer the blood levels reliably. Under the new California provisions, police can still request a urine test if a suspect’s breath test is negative (22). Com- parison of alcohol concentrations in vitreous and blood can provide a good indication of whether concentrations were rising or falling at the time of death (alcohol is distributed mainly in water and the water content of vitreous is lower than that of blood). Urine obtained from the kidney pelvis can also be used, because its alcohol content can be precisely related to blood concentra- tion (23). Legal Limits in Other Jurisdictions Table 1 shows permissible alcohol limits for various countries. All fig- ures are the maximum permissible amount in milligrams per 100 mL of blood (in the United States, referred to as deciliters [dL]). Although legislation has been introduced to enforce uniform standards, these standards have not been enacted, and in the United States, permissible alcohol levels vary from state to state. Countermeasures Numerous measures have already been taken to discourage drivers from drinking, and they have had a considerable degree of success. Lowering the Legal Limit When the legal limit was reduced in Sweden from 50 to 20 mg, there was a fall in casualties (24). It has been estimated that a similar reduction in the United Kingdom would save 50 lives, prevent 250 serious injuries, and elimi- nate another 1200 slight injuries each year. Widening Police Breath-Testing Powers Currently in the United Kingdom, a police officer may stop any person driving a motor vehicle on the road, but that does not necessarily mean that the officer can administer a breath test.
It is possible that growing up in a stimulating environment that rewards thinking and learning may lead to greater brain growth (Garlick cheap 40mg cialis professional with mastercard impotence of organic organ, Attributed to Charles Stangor Saylor order 20 mg cialis professional overnight delivery erectile dysfunction statistics us. Another possibility is that the brains of more intelligent people operate faster or more efficiently than the brains of the less intelligent cialis professional 20 mg cheap impotence examination. Some evidence supporting this idea comes from data showing that people who are more intelligent frequently show less brain activity (suggesting that they need to use less capacity) than those with lower intelligence when they work on a task [31] (Haier, Siegel, Tang, & Abel, 1992). And the brains of more intelligent people also seem to run faster than the brains of the less intelligent. Research has found that the speed with which people can perform simple tasks—such as determining which of two lines is longer or pressing, as quickly as possible, one of eight buttons that is lighted—is predictive of intelligence (Deary, [32] Der, & Ford, 2001). Although intelligence is not located in a specific part of the brain, it is more prevalent in some [34] brain areas than others. Although different tests created different patterns of activation, as you can see in Figure 9. Intelligence has both genetic and environmental causes, and these have been systematically studied through a large number of twin and adoption studies (Neisser et al. These studies have found that between 40% and 80% of Attributed to Charles Stangor Saylor. But there is also evidence for the role of nurture, indicating that individuals are not born with fixed, unchangeable levels of intelligence. The fact that intelligence becomes more stable as we get older provides evidence that early environmental experiences matter more than later ones. Environmental factors also explain a greater proportion of the variance in intelligence for children from lower-class households than they do for children from upper-class households (Turkheimer, Haley, Waldron, D‘Onofrio, & [38] Gottesman, 2003). This is because most upper-class households tend to provide a safe, nutritious, and supporting environment for children, whereas these factors are more variable in lower-class households. Poverty may lead to diets that are undernourishing or lacking in appropriate vitamins, and poor children may also be more likely to be exposed to toxins such as lead in drinking water, Attributed to Charles Stangor Saylor. If impoverished environments can harm intelligence, we might wonder whether enriched environments can improve it. Government-funded after-school programs such as Head Start are designed to help children learn. Research has found that attending such programs may increase intelligence for a short time, but these increases rarely last after the programs end (McLoyd, [41] 1998; Perkins & Grotzer, 1997). But other studies suggest that Head Start and similar programs may improve emotional intelligence and reduce the likelihood that children will drop [42] out of school or be held back a grade (Reynolds, Temple, Robertson, & Mann 2001). Intelligence is improved by education; the number of years a person has spent in school [43] correlates at about r =. It is important to remember that the relative roles of nature and nurture can never be completely separated. A child who has higher than average intelligence will be treated differently than a child who has lower than average intelligence, and these differences in behaviors will likely amplify initial differences. This means that modest genetic differences can be multiplied into big differences over time. Psychology in Everyday Life: Emotional Intelligence Attributed to Charles Stangor Saylor. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to accurately identify, assess, and understand emotions, as well as to effectively control one’s own emotions (Feldman-Barrett & Salovey, [46] 2002; Mayer, Salovey, & Caruso, 2000). The idea of emotional intelligence is seen in Howard Gardner‘sinterpersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand the emotions, intentions, motivations, and desires of other people) and intrapersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand oneself, including one‘s emotions). There are a variety of measures of emotional intelligence (Mayer, Salovey, & Caruso, 2008; Petrides & Furnham, [48] 2000). One popular measure, the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (http://www. When his supervisor brought him an additional project, he felt ____ (fill in the blank). Although it has been found that people with higher emotional intelligence are [50] also healthier (Martins, Ramalho, & Morin, 2010), findings are mixed about whether emotional intelligence [51] predicts life success—for instance, job performance (Harms & Credé, 2010). Furthermore, other researchers have questioned the construct validity of the measures, arguing that emotional intelligence really measures knowledge [52] about what emotions are, but not necessarily how to use those emotions (Brody, 2004), and that emotional intelligence is actually a personality trait, a part of g, or a skill that can be applied in some specific work situations— [53] for instance, academic and work situations (Landy, 2005). Although measures of the ability to understand, experience, and manage emotions may not predict effective behaviors, another important aspect of emotional intelligence—emotion regulation—does. Emotion regulation refers to the ability to control and productively use one‘s emotions. Research has found that people who are better able to override their impulses to seek immediate gratification and who are less impulsive also have higher cognitive and social intelligence. Because emotional intelligence seems so important, many school systems have designed programs to teach it to their students. However, the effectiveness of these programs has not been rigorously tested, and we do not yet know whether emotional intelligence can be taught, or if learning it would improve the quality of people‘s lives (Mayer & [55] Cobb, 2000). People who are better able to regulate their behaviors and emotions are also more successful in their personal and social encounters. Give some examples of how emotional intelligence (or the lack of it) influences your everyday life and the lives of other people you know. A method of measuring the development of the intelligence of young children (3rd ed. Mainstream science on intelligence: An editorial with 52 signatories, history and bibliography. Our research program validating the triarchic theory of successful intelligence: Reply to Gottfredson.
This model of change has been tested to provide evidence for the different stages for smokers and outpatient alcoholics (DiClemente and Prochaska 1982; 1985; DiClemente and Hughes 1990) buy cialis professional 20mg without a prescription impotence clinic, and for the relationship between stage of change for smoking cessa- tion and self-efficacy (DiClemente 1986) discount cialis professional 20 mg on line impotence only with wife. The authors categorized smokers into either precontemplators or contemplators and examined their smoking behaviour at follow-up buy 40 mg cialis professional erectile dysfunction after 80. They further classified the contemplators into either contemplators (those who were smoking, seriously considering quitting within the next six months, but not within the next 30 days) or those in the preparation stage (those who were seriously considering quitting smoking within the next 30 days). The results showed that those in the prepara- tion stage of change were more likely to have made a quit attempt at both one and six months, that they had made more quit attempts, and were more likely to be not smoking at the follow-ups. Research has also used the health beliefs and structured models outlined in Chapter 2 to examine the predictors of both intentions to stop smoking and successful smoking cessation. For example, individual cognitions such as perceptions of susceptibility, past cessation attempts and perceived behavioural control have been shown to relate to reductions in smoking behaviour (Giannetti et al. The results showed that the best predictors of intentions to quit were perceived behavioural control (i. At follow-up, the best predictors of making a quit attempt were intentions at baseline (i. However, DiClemente and Prochaska (1982) developed their transtheoretical model of change to examine the stages of change in addictive behaviours. This study examined the validity of the stages of change model and assessed the relationship between stage of change and smoking cessation. Background The original stages of change model describes the following stages: s Precontemplation: not seriously considering quitting in the next six months. The model is described as dynamic, not linear with individuals moving backwards and forwards across the stages. In this study, the authors categorized those in the con- templation stage as either contemplators (not considering quitting in the next 30 days) and those in the preparation stage (planning to quit in the next 30 days). Methodology Subjects A total of 1466 subjects were recruited for a minimum intervention smok- ing cessation programme from Texas and Rhode Island. The majority of the sub- jects were white, female, had started smoking at about 16 and smoked on average 29 cigarettes a day. Design The subjects completed a set of measures at baseline and were followed up at one and six months. Measures The subjects completed the following set of measures: s Smoking abstinence self-efficacy (DiClemente et al. According to this scale, subjects were defined as precontemplators (n = 166), contemplators (n = 794) and those in the preparation stage (n = 506). Results The results were first analysed to examine baseline difference between the three subject groups. The results showed that those in the preparation stage smoked less, were less addicted, had higher self-efficacy, rated the pros of smoking as less and the costs of smoking as more, had made more prior quitting attempts than the other two groups. The results were then analysed to examine the relationship between stage of change and smoking cessation. At both one and six months, the subjects in the preparation stage had made more quit attempts and were more likely to not be smoking. Conclusion The results provide support for the stages of change model of smoking cessation and suggest that it is a useful tool for predicting successful outcome of any smoking cessation intervention. Clinical interventions: promoting individual change Clinical interventions often take the form of group or individual treatment programmes based in hospitals or universities requiring regular attendance over a 6- or 12-week period. These interventions use a combination of approaches that reflect the different disease and social learning theory models of addiction and are provided for those individuals who seek help. Disease perspectives on cessation Within the most recent disease models of addiction, nicotine and alcohol are seen as addictive and the individual who is addicted is seen as having acquired tolerance and dependency to the substance. For example, nicotine fading procedures encourage smokers to gradually switch to brands of low nicotine cigarettes and gradually to smoke fewer cigarettes. It is believed that when the smoker is ready to completely quit, their addiction to nicotine will be small enough to minimize any withdrawal symptoms. Although there is no evidence to support the effectiveness of nicotine fading on its own, it has been shown to be useful alongside other methods such as relapse prevention (for example, Brown et al. Nicotine replacement procedures also emphasize an individual’s addiction and depend- ency on nicotine. For example, nicotine chewing gum is available over the counter and is used as a way of reducing the withdrawal symptoms experienced following sudden cessation. The chewing gum has been shown to be a useful addition to other behavioural methods, particularly in preventing short-term relapse (Killen et al. More recently, nicotine patches have become available, which only need to be applied once a day in order to provide a steady supply of nicotine into the bloodstream. They do not need to be tasted, although it could be argued that chewing gum satisfies the oral component of smoking. However, whether nicotine replacement procedures are actually compensating for a physiological addiction or whether they are offering a placebo effect via expecting not to need cigarettes is unclear. Treating excessive drinking from a disease perspective involves aiming for total abstinence as there is no suitable substitute for alcohol. Social learning perspectives on cessation Social learning theory emphasizes learning an addictive behaviour through processes such as operant conditioning (rewards and punishments), classical conditioning (associations with internal/external cues), observational learning and cognitions. Therefore, cessation procedures emphasize these processes in attempts to help smokers and excessive drinkers stop their behaviour. These cessation procedures include: aversion therapies, contingency contracting, cue exposure, self-management techniques and multi-perspective cessation clinics: 1 Aversion therapies aim to punish smoking and drinking rather than rewarding it.
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