

By S. Irhabar. College of the Ozarks.

Twice as many Circulating hormones cytotec 100mcg otc treatment dvt, such as aldosterone and women are treated for depression and anxiety neur- renin have long been known to fluctuate with the osis than men discount 100mcg cytotec with mastercard medications known to cause seizures, first described by Raskin (1974) discount cytotec 200mcg overnight delivery treatment 8th feb, and menstrual luteal phase. If oral contraceptives are given, then chemical differences, for women are more likely to an increase of these hormones is also seen in the seek help than men. In women of all ages, Tran et al (1998) also ible contraceptive precautions and those with reported that, in findings from records of 2367 vasectomized partners. More than one 1993), perhaps spurred by its own findings in 1989, agent was reported to be responsible in 50% of and confirmed by the General Accounting Office female patients vs. It is possible that bare arms and exposed population, and young women in large numbers legs in women may cause more phototoxic reac- (Bush et al, 1993). Clearly, these two classes adequately discuss gender difference, which would of agents need special gender exploration in clinical be addressed in the new amended guideline. It called for all research on human sub- All 33 responding companies collect gender-related jects concerning drugs, devices, epidemiology, non- data on the participant patients in clinical studies. By December 1999, there were study ought to be undertaken, and then a shorter 348 medicines in development for diseases only in duration efficacy and safety study in women. Of those who saw differences, only larger, because a difference in low-incidence ad- one-third found these differences to be clinically verse events will not show up until the drug is on significant 5% of the time, while 17% of respond- the market. Subjects Indeed, diseases such as endometriosis can only be studied in such a population, whereas drugs to treat Women should be and, indeed, are included into urinary incontinence would be better undertaken in new drug and device development programs when older patients. While possible, this is not gen- The Potential Child-bearing Population erally a widely applicable solution, because geo- graphic, environmental and volunteer numbers The probability of potential early embryonic ex- now become added variables. When a woman of childbearing age participates in a research procedure in which there is a risk to the fetus, the nature of the risk being either known or unknown, she should be advised that, if she wishes Liabilities for Fetal Damage to be a subject, she should avoid becoming preg- nant. Such research may expose the insti- tution to risk of liability for damage to subjects; example of the National Vaccine Injury Act of however, that is inherent in research involving October 1988, where a trust fund was set up derived human subjects anyway, and there are many from an excise tax imposed on each vaccine. Not to do such funds, through an arbitration panel, are used to research, while it may serve to protect the interests compensate persons injured by vaccination. Data in women are needed and the possibility is suggested of an Gender-related differences do exist in drug hand- expanded National Register along the lines of the ling, but in general are relatively clinically insignifi- International Clearing House for Birth Defects cant. Theoretically, because of weight differences, Monitoring to follow up the expected small number women may receive more medication than men of embryos exposed and a Compensation Panel in for a standard dose when converted to mg/kg. It is suggested that women continue ences, and with enhanced computer power, this to be enrolled into most drug study programs, chapter may become moot. Sadly, the mortality rate This chapter will focus on the current regulatory of children in Third-World countries is 10 times requirements, their background, the clinical study, higher than in the developed world. Substantial additional testing in animals Clearly, firms needed further encouragement and in humans was required prior to marketing to submit additional pediatric data, so in 1997 approval. This called for firms to submit data drugs in children did not advance at a similar on children to support labeling for a new pediatric pace, and most drugs (unless specifically intended subsection before the drug could be approved. Eventually, academia 1999, governing the need for pediatric studies, would publish a series of cases, so giving guidance and extending the requirements to biological on dosing and likely toxic effects. As might be expected, the generic companies tions did exist for some drugs, but mainly for are appealing this interpretation of the pediatric use in the elderly. In gen- patients/year may benefit, then orphan-drug eral, both in children and in the elderly, drugs and status with seven/year exclusivity may be applic- biological products behave similarly to that in the able. In neonates, the gastric pH is biphasic, being high in the first few days after birth and decreasing by day 30, but it takes 5±12 years for the adult pattern and Data to Be Provided value to emerge (Signer and Fridrich 1975). On the other hand, the methylation pathway, unim- If considerable data exists, or is planned, for same portant in adults, is well developed in children. Fur- indications in adults, it may be appropriate to ex- thermore, acetaminophen is less toxic to children trapolate safety and efficacy from adults to chil- than to adults, probably because it utilizes the sul- dren. The potential toxic implication may be required, especially if the drug or disease of renal metabolites and elimination of unchanged behaves differently in children, or the drug uses drug in the very young are obvious (Stewart and different metabolic pathways. If a different indication to that in adults is being Dosing sought, then one or two sizable safety and efficacy studies, in one or more age groups, are likely to be Without pediatric pharmacokinetic data, dosing required. Neither animals may be required (if the product is intended method compensates for the varying metabolism for oral delivery), and given by dropper gauage. But most teer study in healthy children has proved very drugs developed for adults are given by the oral hard to set up, because of the attitude of many route, as tablets, capsules or caplets. In the later two cases, an even day of this sample is predetermined by the time of distribution of active compound and other inactive the administration of the medicine. In addition, a obtained from many children, a weight±age-cor- lack of effect an bioavailability must be proved if rected, scatter-plot graph can be constructed and such advice is to appear in the dosing instructions. Because of the One of the major problems in running pediatric small size of both mouse and rat pups, this may clinical trials is the availability of pediatric patients, prove a challenge to administer the active drug. The last category is required, with the exception of diseases specific to the use of a research medicine in a child close to childhood, such as surfactant studies in respiratory dying who has either no response to standard ther- Distress Syndrome. The risk ent ways in children compared with adults but a of unintended coercion of desperate parents is es- large body of safety data exists in adults, then pecially to be guarded against. This social needs of the child, and the disease as special report (Committee Drugs, American Academy of medical, psychological and social needs of the Pediatrics) is very comprehensive, but amongst its child, and the disease as might be impacted by the many recommendations the following areas are study. However, in addition to the Vulnerability appropriate usual toxicology and neonate animal In this special population, there is a special duty to toxicology, the first-in-humans studies for toxicity avoid (unintended) coercion of the patient, parent and safety are usually done in healthy adult volun- or guardian. When the disease fluctuates frequently from to assess the safety and effectiveness of new drugs and bio- exacerbations to remissions thus the efficacy logical products in pediatric patients (1998) Fed Reg 63: 66632. Several of the next general, these reflect relatively modern sophistica- chapters describe methodologies that teach us, on tions in the development process, compared with, new dimensions, about properties that are intrinsic for example, many types of clinical trial design, to drugs.

In this chapter cheap cytotec 100mcg overnight delivery symptoms 24 hours before death, I will argue that although parents have a limited right to enhance their already normal children geneti- cally discount cytotec 200 mcg with visa medicine just for cough, and buy cytotec 200mcg without a prescription medicine lake montana, conceivably, also a limited duty to do so, they should not be encouraged to do so. It should do so, however, not through legal bans or prohibitions on the development of genetic therapies, but through: (1) the development of practice guidelines for health care researchers and practitioners specializing in genetic screening, testing, diag- nosis, counselling and therapy; and, even more importantly, (2) the creation of democratic fora designed to achieve some sort of public consensus about the extent of parents’ procreative and rearing rights. As Rober- tson sees it, the speciWc right to select oVspring characteristics is linked to two more general rights: (1) a parent’s right not to procreate children because of the more or less burdensome aspects (physical, psychological and social) of Genetic screening 89 reproduction; and (2) a parent’s right to procreate a child with particular characteristics (e. This second right derives from ‘the great importance to individuals of having biologic oVspring – personal meaning in one’s life, connection with future generations, and the pleasures of child rearing’ (Robertson, 1994: p. Since negative selection activities (carrier screening, pre-implanta- tion screening, prenatal screening and abortion) and positive selection activ- ities (therapeutic ex utero or in utero genetic manipulation) enable parents to select oVspring traits, Robert-son views these activities as protected by a person’s procreative liberty. Actions that aim to produce oVspring who are supernormal (enhan- cement), subnormal (intentional diminution) or clones, says Robertson, ‘deviate too far from the experiences that make reproduction a valued experience’ to be protected by procreation liberty rights. However, some of these non-therapeutic actions – those aimed at enhancement – might be viewed as part of ‘parental discretion in rearing oVspring’ (Robertson, 1994: p. In the name of ‘bettering’ their children, parents submit their children to sex-alignment operations, certain cosmetic surgeries, growth-hormone treatments, Ritalin therapy and multiple doses of Prozac. So long as parents can show that such interventions are safe, eVective and beneWcial, state authorities will not interfere with parents’ child-rearing activities. Given that this is the case, Robertson reasons that state authorities are not likely to interfere with genetic enhancement interventions, although they would be likely to interfere with genetic dimin- ution interventions. Robertson’s ideas about what constitutes a harm seem to be roughly equivalent to those of Norman Daniels, who views as harmful any actions that detract from so- called species-typical functioning (Daniels, 1986: p. If it is typical for the human species that its members be able to hear and see, for example, deliberately deafening or blinding a fetus is harmful to the fetus. So long as every member of the species can do what is typical for the species reasonably well, it matters not that some members of the species can do it 90 R. Given the reasonability of Robertson’s and Daniels’s implied positions on enhancement, it is diYcult to identify what might, in the end, be harmful about enhancing one’s progeny. Interestingly, in the course of explaining why it would be wrong for deaf parents, who view deafness as a valuable culture rather than a disability, to use genetic therapy prenatally to ensure deaf children for themselves, the lawyer Dena Davis (1997) provides some clues. Davis concedes that since people have diVerent ideas about what counts as an enhancement and what counts as a diminution, deaf parents, wishing to ensure deaf children for themselves, might reasonably argue that the lifestyle in the deaf community is a good one for children – indeed, according to Lennard Davis (1995), a better one than the lifestyle for children in the non-deaf community. In essence, deaf parents might argue in the manner Amish parents argue when they defend their practice of limiting their children to an elementary school education on the grounds that further formal education interferes with the Amish system of home-based vocational training – i. Davis notes that by depriving their children of the opportun- ity to secure a high-school diploma, Amish parents virtually ensure ‘that their children will remain housewives and agricultural laborers’ (Davis, D. An Amish child who rebels against the Amish way of life for one reason or another will Wnd himself or herself without the basic education he or she needs to be anything other than an agricultural labourer or housewife. In Davis’s estimation, the parents of this child will have harmed him or her by substantially limiting their child’s presumed right to control the course of his or her own destiny. Davis then reasons that if Amish parents harm their children by denying them educational opportunities, the lack of which will set them back considerably in the larger, non-Amish community should they decide to enter it, deaf parents would even more egregiously harm their children by using genetic diminution therapies to deprive them permanently of their ability to hear. All parenthood exists as a balance between fulWlment of parental hopes and values and the individual Xowering of the actual child Genetic screening 91 in his or her own direction. Although Davis’s arguments are directed against the practice of genetic diminution, the crucial question to ask for our purposes is whether geneti- cally enhancing a child ‘closes’ or ‘opens’ doors for him or her. For example, a person with exceptional intellectual capabili- ties has the opportunity to pursue a much wider range of career options than a person with minimal intellectual capabilities. On the other hand, an enhanced child might have a future more closed than a ‘normal’ child if, for example, his parents enhanced his intellectual and rational capacities to such a degree that his physical and emotional capacities shrivelled. Using simply environmental means (education), John Stuart Mill’s father, for example, overdeveloped his son’s rational and philosophical talents, and underdeveloped his son’s emotional and poetic talents. Clearly, as in the case of parents who argue that they have a right to discipline, educate and medically treat their children as they see Wt, parents who argue that they have a right to alter their children genetically as they see Wt are subject to state interference if their actions prove harmful to their oVspring. Parents do not have a right to harm their children, whether this harm consists in physical or psychological abuse, or in using genetic therapy to determine their children’s future. The fact that parents have a limited right to enhance their children genetically does not mean they have a duty to do so, unless the term ‘enhancement’ is interpreted to include not only instances of making normal children better than normal, but also instances of making less-than-normal children normal (Juengst, 1998). SpeciWcally, if the necessary gene therapies were available, parents might have a limited duty to provide their oVspring with what LeRoy Walters and Julie Gage Palmer term ‘health-related’ physical, intellectual and moral genetic enhancements, but not also with ‘non-health-related’ ones (Walters and Palmer, 1997: pp. Among those health-related enhan- cements listed by Walters and Palmer are eliminating the genes associated with deleterious physical, intellectual and psychiatric conditions. Since health-related enhancements are calculated to bring abnormal individuals up to species-typical functioning only, they are, according to Walters and Palmer, to be distinguished from non-health-related genetic enhancements 92 R. Among these non-health-related enhancements, Walters and Palmer include gene- mediated growth hormone treatment for short-statured children who are not growth hormone deWcient, increasing the eYciency of long-term memory and otherwise improving the cognitive functioning of people who already fall in normal intelligence ranges, and, as a matter of speculation, stimulation of ‘friendliness’ genes in non-sociopathic persons. Whether Walters and Palmer have drawn the line between health-related and non-health-related enhance- ments correctly is not the issue here, since some such division is plausible enough (Frankford, 1998). One way to approach this issue is to reXect on the debate between those who think that parents have a duty to use contraceptives, sterilization procedures or abortion to prevent the birth of a so-called defective child and those who do not. Proponents of not procreating persons who fall substantially short of ‘species-typical functioning’ argue that it can be emotionally and economi- cally draining to raise less-than-normal children, especially if they have a serious genetic disease. But most of all, what I see there are demands of love: to love someone is to care desperately about their welfare and to want for them only good things. The thought that I might bring to life a child with serious mental problems when I could, by doing something diVerent, bring forth one without them, is utterly incomprehensible to me. Purdy argues, Wrst, that since a non-existent entity can neither be harmed nor deprived of the kind of rights only existent entities have, it is not wrong to prevent its conception. Thus, Purdy concludes that because of what most people presum- ably desire – namely, to nurture and love children who will Xourish and live so-called good lives – carriers for genetic disorders which preclude a normal opportunity for a good life should not procreate with their own gametes. Critics of Purdy’s statement express concern that her view reinforces the view of those who long for a society in which only perfect or nearly perfect Genetic screening 93 people are tolerated, precisely the kind of society which the ‘imperfects’ among us should fear. The fact that our society is routinizing and normaliz- ing genetic screening is, according to these critics, a sign that our society might have eugenic aspirations after all.

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In such instances buy cheap cytotec 200 mcg medications rights, reinstitution buy discount cytotec 200 mcg on-line symptoms rheumatic fever, and newer compounds like cab- apy should not be instituted in women with a usually increase further after that period9 generic 100mcg cytotec visa treatment zinc deficiency. Experience regarding prolactinomas in pregnancy radiotherapy is considered harmful by increas- patient may be treated with dopamine ago- its use in pregnant women with prolactinoma ing the risk of hypopituitarism, it is not gen- nists in an attempt to reduce the size. In experimental models Microprolactinomas erally recommended in an attempt to control of pregnancy, cabergoline was not found to be therapy is insuffcient, transsphenoidal tumor tumor growth. Analyses of cabergoline-induced No clinical trials have compared the outcomes removal (preferably in the second trimester), may be continuation of the dopamine agonist gestations in humans revealed no increases in of women with microprolactinomas who have or early delivery in the third trimester may be treatment throughout the gestational period19. Figure 1 provides an algorithm for pregnancy-associated problems such as mis- been treated with dopamine agonists dur- Such an approach does not seem to pose a carriage and fetal malformations12. An may be required to achieve this goal (25– cal hypothyroidism in this same age group is untreated hypothyroidism, but not in those 39 important issue to be addressed is whether 325μg/day). The main cause The thyroid status should be closely moni- a pregnant woman during late pregnancy of hypothyroidism during pregnancy is auto- appropriate treatment of hypothyroidism and tored as autoimmune thyroiditis increases the whose severe hypothyroidism has previously immune thyroiditis, particularly in iodine- normalization of thyroid function in women risk of development of postpartum thyroiditis. This process is appropriate approach at this stage is debat- the world, however, the commonest cause is also valid for patients who cannot spontane- able, and most obstetricians would hesitate to iodine defciency26. Iron compounds are commonly used miscarriage, anemia, pre-eclampsia, placental are also compatible with the normal physi- abruption and preterm delivery30,31. The inci- Treatment of hypothyroidism in pregnant women, and their interference ological changes of pregnancy, identifcation of with intestinal T4 absorption may also worsen dence of postpartum hemorrhage and risk of patients with new-onset hyperthyroidism may 23 newborn acute respiratory distress syndrome Before conception, patients with known hypothyroidism during pregnancy. Since resin triio- be used, although there is no direct evidence the risk for miscarriage and preterm delivery dothyronine (T3) uptake is normally decreased in favor of this approach27. This occurs complications, untreated hypothyroidism may may also be based on the underlying cause of ability to cross the placental barrier and bind primarily due to a lack of capability on the part also be implicated in impaired fetal neuro- hypothyroidism. The result is of the affected thyroid gland to increase its development, particularly when hypothyroid- thyroiditis require less dose augmentation neonatal Graves’ disease causing hyperthy- secretory reserve to overcome the increased ism is present in early pregnancy27. Graves’ disease, gestational trophoblastic dis- thyroidism also tends to evolve into clinically cognitive and intellectual function in the off- As patients may be diagnosed initially dur- ease, toxic multinodular or uninodular goiter, overt disease by the same mechanism27. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2006;65:265–73 The importance of timely diagnosis and treat- should be seen after 2–4 weeks for reassess- angiogenesis and genetics. A comparative review of the toler- The beta blocker drug propranolol should be stillbirth, preterm delivery, pre-eclampsia cross-sectional changes in plasma levels of ability profles of dopamine agonists in the 40 used with great caution to control adrenergic and intrauterine growth retardation. Obstet Gynecol studies should not be ordered in an attempt to fetal thyroid destruction, and defnite therapy 1985;312:1364–70 1983;62:425–9 should be postponed until after parturition23. Maternal hypothyroidism: recogni- reduction in the dosage and even discontinu- erable that macroadenomas be cured before tionship between maternal prolactin levels tion and management. Treatment of hyperthyroidism the treatment of hyperprolactinemic amen- the community: a twenty-year follow-up of Since untreated hypothyroidism may decrease orrhea. At high doses, however, both associated with increased risk of spontaneous nancy outcome after cabergoline treatment roid disease: further developments in our may pass the placenta and affect fetal thyroidal abortion. Mater- ment in euthyroid pregnant women with nal hypothyroidism in early and late gesta- autoimmune thyroid disease: effects on tion: effects on neonatal and obstetric out- obstetrical complications. Maternal hypothyroxi- Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab 2007;3:470–8 84 7 Autoimmune and connective tissue disorders Anwar Nassar, Imad Uthman and Munther Khamashta Pregnant women with autoimmune rheumatic 1000 women1. Although once high risk of maternal disease fares, adverse considered a contraindication to pregnancy, fetal outcomes and potential drug terato- advances in disease management and perinatal genic effects, making the management of monitoring now make pregnancy outcome in these women particularly challenging. Nonethe- however, these risks can be minimized by less, signifcant risk of morbidity to both the appropriate timing of pregnancy and optimiza- mother and fetus still may occur. Prior treatment with outcome in women with chronic medical ill- alkylating agents such as cyclophosphamide is nesses, those with autoimmune rheumatic dis- one of the risk factors for infertility; however, eases being no exception. Women with severe renal nancy1,2,10,19,24 because this has been associated with these antibodies38 – to the most serious involvement are also at risk of deterioration in impairment (serum creatinine over 2. On the other hand, in the absence death secondary to end-stage renal or multi- strong risk factor for thrombotic events, fetal Drugs that can be continued during preg- 20,21 of active disease, hypertension, renal involve- system failure. Other risk factors include hyperten- pregnancy, as this medication decreases the should be undertaken by a multidisciplinary ated with better fetal and neonatal survival. In fact, its withdrawal is Although pulmonary hypertension is uncom- wide Inpatient Sample, a large database with ing throughout pregnancy in order to ensure frequently associated with subsequent fares in mon in lupus, it confers a high risk of maternal death when it occurs in pregnancy22,23. More recently, de Man and for conversion to safer pharmacologic regi- and congenital malformations including those prophylactic dose low molecular weight hep- associates, using a validated scoring system, mens. Preconceptional medical evaluation should occurs within the frst 6 months’ postpartum71 Since lefunomide may persist in the body for Whereas some authorities recommend dis- also include a precise review of the immuno- when almost all patients show signs of active up to 2 years77, the drug has to be discontinued continuation of these medications at least 3 logical status of the woman including lupus disease1. Similarly, in a How does pregnancy affect be associated with a risk of a major congenital national survey of 1425 pregnancies in women systemic sclerosis? After pregnancy, some A well-timed pregnancy with careful obstet- and low platelets, is more common and more women with diffuse disease have increased ric monitoring can maximize the likelihood likely to recur in subsequent pregnancies106. Preterm delivery inhibitors despite their contraindication dur- lung disease (forced vital capacity <50% of prevalence of thromboembolic events during prior to 34 weeks of gestation may be medi- ing pregnancy1,85. His- lism, manifest as strokes and heart attacks, is complications include systemic and pulmo- How does systemic sclerosis tory of renal crisis is not a contraindication to increased three- to four-fold93,94, while that of nary hypertension42,60. Case–control studies at single for the treatment of esophageal refux, nau- pregnancy by some high-risk women on full in the postpartum period, both agents being tertiary care centers have shown an increased sea and vomiting89, and intravenous immuno- anticoagulation due to the fear of fetal mal- safe during pregnancy. In the prospective Similar to other connective tissue disorders, of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary emboli preconceptionally and maintaining it through- scleroderma pregnancy study, 91 pregnancies hydroxychloroquine and corticosteroids can and stroke, and hepatic infarction have been out pregnancy. Because of the known hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in women nosed in the presence of characteristic clini- pregnancy loss, as well as late second or third teratogenicity of these latter agents, it is advis- with systemic sclerosis86,87. Medication lists may require some 70% Relapse within 6 cesarean section necrosis factor agents Pregnancy in most of these women is at high degree of modifcation in order to avoid the months postpartum Drugs to avoid: risk for maternal and perinatal complications. On the oth- methotrexate, An optimal obstetric outcome can be achieved er hand, some drugs, such as low-dose aspi- lefunomide only through coordination of care between rin, may be appropriate for a select group of Scleroderma 60% Stable disease Inconsistent across studies History of renal crisis: the obstetrician, maternal fetal medicine women.

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Their libraries of Baltimore are the Peabody and meetings are open to medical students purchase cytotec 100 mcg medications you should not take before surgery. The the chief institutions of interest to students Bulletin is published quarterly by the Institute are the Smithsonian Institution and Nation- of the History of Medicine purchase cytotec 100 mcg on-line medicine to stop diarrhea. It is the organ of al Museum discount 100mcg cytotec with amex medications japan, the Library of Congress, the the Institute and of the American Association National Library of Medicine, and the librar- for the History of Medicine. The Dome The Johns Hopkins Medical and Surgical is the monthly house organ for all students, Association: Eileen P. Shortle, Secretary-Treasurer; Diane contains feature stories on people and activi- J. News about The association is composed of graduates signifcant research, promotions, honors and of the School of Medicine, past and present award presentations also is included. Scientifc papers by medical school, former faculty and staff, and staff members and alumni are presented at current medical school students and their the biennial meetings. Over 13,000 indi- recognize the critical importance of teaching viduals receive the publication which has a at Johns Hopkins. Robert Francis Siliciano of the Depart- terly and is jointly sponsored by the School of ments of Medicine and Molecular Biology Medicine, the Hospital, and the Medical and and Genetics. Surgical Association, and is the alumni news- The Graduate Student Association Award letter for the School of Medicine. Jeremy Nathans in Teaching is awarded annually to the teach- of the Departments of Molecular Biology and ers voted by the students in the preclinical Genetics, Neuroscience, and Ophthalmology. David Weishampel of the The Dean’s Special Recognition Award Center for Functional Anatomy and Evolution. Anthony lished the Tilghman Traveling Fellowship in the Derek Sung of the Department of Medicine. The Tilghman Traveling Fellowship will The Stuart Award was established in 1969 be awarded periodically to young members following the bequest of a grateful patient, of the medical faculty, who are native-born George J. The new theories, methods and techniques in selection is made by the senior students. Mitchell Goldstein of The recipients are to be selected by a com- the Department of Pediatrics. All full time and departments in the School of Medicine shall part time members of the faculty are eligible be eligible for consideration. Selection of the awardees is proposed work during the sabbatical year made by the Professors’ Award Committee. Nisha Chandra-Strobos of the Department of Guidelines are available at http://www. Applications may be submitted at Molecular Biology and Genetics for teach- any time, but should be submitted at least 60 ing in the basic sciences, and Dr. Hueppchen of the Department of Gynecology The Shing Yuk Yau Memorial Fund: The and Obstetrics for teaching in the basic and fund was established in 1984 in memory of clinical sciences. Cowles Andrus Distinguished Profes- exchanges between the School of Medicine sorship in Cardiology [2001]: Edward K. Michael Armstrong Professorship [2000]: of Medicine indicates that a sum of money Gregg L. Michael to generate income which supports a profes- Armstrong, to support medical research, with sor in a particular department. Frances and a member of the original faculty of the Baker is a pediatrician and Dr. Trustees and the Board of Johns Hopkins Funding provided by the Seraph Foundation Medicine. The Director of the This gift will be used to support research in Department of Oncology, Dean of the School macular degeneration and other disorders. Freida Derdeyn, a Leonard & Madlyn Abramson Profes- retired teacher who became acquainted with sorship in Neurodegenerative Diseases the work of the Wilmer Institute through a local [2004]: Ted M. Funding provided by Abramson Family Theodore and Ingrid Baramki Profes- Foundation. Theodore Baramki, The income from the principal will be used for a member of the faculty of the Department of prostate cancer research and held in the Sid- Gynecology and Obstetrics and the estate of ney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Clarice Reiss. Health Care Professorship in Philip Bard Directorship in the Depart- Medicine Genetics [1996]: Garry Cutting, M. O’Connor, Vernon Mountcastle, Timothy Alzheimer’s Research in Psychiatry and Harrison, and various donors in honor of Behavioral Sciences [2006]: Constantine Philip Bard, Professor of Physiology, 1933 to Lyketsos, M. Funding provided for researching the cause, Baxley Professor of Pathology [1901]: J. Henry Willis Andelot Professor of Laryngology and Baxley (1824-1876) provided funding for the Otology [1962]: Unoccupied. The Andelot name was selected war practiced his profession in Baltimore and by Mr. Stanhope Bayne-Jones Professorship in Dana and Albert “Cubby” Broccoli Profes- Medicine [1974]: David L. As an expert in infectious used to endow a Professorship in Oncology, diseases, he served on the faculty of the Uni- having an initial focus on research and treat- versity of Rochester and Yale Medical Schools, ment of breast cancer. Brody Professorship in Radiol- he was made a brigadier general in the Army ogy [1992]: Martin G. Brody who was the Director Bendann-Iliff Professorship in Ophthal- of the Department of Radiology from 1987- mology [1995]: Nicholas T. Brody was appointed Pres- Funding provided by Constance, Maurice, ident of the Johns Hopkins University.

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The Wellcome Trust and the Wellcome Foundation are represented discount cytotec 200mcg with mastercard treatment 7th feb, as are the Royal Pharmaceutical Society generic cytotec 200 mcg free shipping counterfeit medications 60 minutes, the Society of the Chemical Industry and the World Sugar Research Organisation best cytotec 200 mcg symptoms 2015 flu. The Royal College of Surgeons is represented by Sir Stanley Peart, a Wellcome Trustee, the Imperial Cancer Research Fund by Sir Walter Bodmer. The Institute of Food Technology is represented by Professor Arnold Bender, and the Biochemical Society by Professor Harold Baum, both Campaign Against Health Fraud members. The British Nutrition Foundation and the British Dietetic Association are both represented, as is the British Association for the Advancement of Science. The Association of Medical Research Charities, a Wellcome-administered umbrella organisation, has two representatives on the general committee. In the last five years, the Committee has been addressed by, amongst others: Lord Sherfield; Professor David Conning, Director-General of the British Nutrition Foundation; Professor C. Gordon Smith, a Wellcome Trustee and Dean of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Margaret Thatcher. Our work is increasingly engaged in trying to understand issues such as health, pollution, international trade, education research, national defence conversion and energy strategy in the framework 4 of how each relates to the more fundamental issues of economy, security and environment. Appropriate action through parliamentary channels wherever necessary to reinforce the views expressed by members on matters of public interest and legislation, especially for financing scientific and technological research, education and development, and to ensure that the proper regard is had for the scientific point 5 of view. More recently, the magazine began to include feature articles by members of the committee and other prominent people in science, industry and Parliament. Science in Parliament is published by an outside publisher, Westminster Publications. Recent issues have been sponsored by the British Technology Group and some by Hoechst, the drug company. In the last years of the eighties, the connection with the pharmaceutical industry was even more overt: from 1985 to 1989, Science in Parliament was published by the Pharmaceutical Press, a division of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. She, however, turned down the request, suggesting that such an organisation would be more appropriately funded through private sources. The Trustees of the Parliamentary Science and Technology Information Foundation reflect a common link between liberal Anglo-American interests and the far Right. He is known for his hard Right support for South Africa and the world strategy against communism. For the year 1990, the Wellcome Trust also financed a Wellcome Parliamentary Fellow, in the person of Dr Helen Kyle. The next Wellcome Fellow, in 1991, was Dr Peter Border who was concerned with biomedical research. Amongst other committed sponsors (donating over £2,000 in the first year) were British Telecom, Merck Sharp and Dohme, National Power, SmithKline Beecham, Trafalgar House and United Biscuits. Other less conspicuous donors were the Wellcome Foundation, Boots, and British Nuclear Fuel. The system is very vulnerable to American-style research and strategy groups which are funded from outside parliament by vested industrial interests. The Science Branch of the old Department of Education and Science was moved into the new Department: this meant that it was firmly rooted in science budgeting and would be responsible for chanelling money to the five Research Councils. All the expert evidence for the report was taken from the very industrial and pharmaceutical experts who for years had been fuelling the campaign against alternative cancer treatments. Launched in the late seventies, it was intended as a link organisation between industry and the learned societies to promote and develop science and technology, and to lobby for better scientific training and education. The Advisory Council on Science and Technology is the body which advises both the government and the civil service on matters of science. Its meetings are attended by the chief scientific adviser to the Cabinet Office and Departmental chief scientists and scientific advisers. In July 1989, Sir Alfred Shepperd, who was Chairman of Burroughs Wellcome and Chairman of the Wellcome Foundation until 1985, joined this body; his appointment ended in July 1992. Shepperd was the only representative on the Council during this time who came directly from a pharmaceutical company. Serving on the Council over the same period, from 1989 to 1992, was Professor Roy Anderson. His position as a Trustee means that he is one of a handful of powerful men who control the Wellcome empire. A drug may be subject to competition from 1 alternative therapies during the period of patent protection. In America and Europe the pharmaceutical industry, as well as being immensely profitable, is at the forefront of scientific research. This research no longer concentrates upon singular issues of human illness but has reached out, godlike, involved in a quest to establish the cause and the content of human life itself. The transplantation of organs will in the future appear to be a gross kind of engineering, once scientists have found ways of intervening in the human genetic structure. It is not surprising that it is at this sharp end of scientific research and marketing, where so much is at stake, that the health-fraud movement is most virulent. A small number of pharmaceutical companies have played a major part in developing the health-fraud movement in both Britain and America. With such vast amounts of money used to research, develop and capitalise new drugs, pharmaceutical companies cannot allow themselves the luxury of free market competition. A variety of protective business practices have developed in the industry, all of which have one end in view, that of undermining competition.

10 of 10 - Review by S. Irhabar
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